Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors, appointed by the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, governs Cabrini Health Ltd. The Board brings a broad range of experience to its governance role. It is responsible for overseeing the strategic direction of the organisation and ensuring appropriate governance structures are in place.

Sylvia Falzon
Appointed March 2010, Chairman since November 2018
Sylvia brings to Cabrini a senior executive career in financial services, spanning more than 30 years. As a non-executive director since 2010, Sylvia has experience across a range of sectors including financial services, health, aged care, retail and e-commerce. During this time, she has been involved in several business transformations, initial public offers, mergers and acquisitions, and divestment activities. Sylvia is currently an independent non-executive director of ASX listed companies Suncorp Group Limited and Premier Investments. Sylvia also chairs the Cabrini Foundation Board and is a member of the Patient Experience and Clinical Governance Committee and the Capital Campaign Committee.

Caroline Brand
Appointed May 2020
Caroline brings to Cabrini Board her experience as a medical specialist and health services researcher. Caroline is a Consultant Rheumatologist with inpatient and outpatient experience in public and private health care sectors. She has degrees in Medicine (Monash University) and Arts (University of Melbourne) and a Master of Public Health degree (Monash University). Caroline has a particular interest in designing, implementing and evaluating new models of care for people with chronic conditions and improving the quality and safety of health care. Caroline was Director of the Clinical Epidemiology and Health Services Evaluation Unit (later known as Melbourne EpiCentre) between 2004 and 2010. She has been a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians since 1984 and is a Member of the Australian Rheumatology Association. Caroline has contributed to a number of committees for both professional organisations as well as State and National health governance bodies. She was president of the Victorian Branch of the ARA between 2006-2007. Caroline is Chair of the Cabrini Patient Experience and Clinical Governance Committee and a member of the Cabrini Research Committee.

Simeon Goldenberg
Appointed April 2019
Simeon has been associated with Cabrini since 2015 as an independent member overseeing the Gandel Wing development. He has 20 years of executive experience within the investment, financial services and real estate industries via private businesses and subsidiaries of listed companies. Prior to joining Besen (family office) as Executive Director of Investments, Simeon was appointed Chief Executive of Icon (Kajima Corporation’s Australian Real Estate business) following a decade long association.
Previous executive roles include positions at KPMG Corporate Finance and Gersh Investment Partners. Simeon’s corporate non-executive roles have been in the retirement, fintech, investment and construction industries, whilst his not-for-profit positions have been within community organisations spanning sport, aged care and education. Simeon is Chair of the Major Construction Projects Committee and a member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee at Cabrini.

Lisa Harker
Appointed March 2018
Lisa’s professional career is in chartered accounting. She is an assurance partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers and in her 19 years as a partner, has worked across a number of industries. She is an expert in audit and international financial reporting standards and works with listed companies, large privately-owned businesses and not-for-profit entities. Lisa advises Boards, audit committees and management teams on a variety of complex areas including acquisitions and takeovers, large capital expenditure projects, divestments, debt raisings, initial public offerings, remuneration and the optimisation of internal controls. Lisa holds a commerce degree from the University of Melbourne and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia. Lisa is Chair of the Cabrini Audit and Risk Management Committee and a member of the Mission, People and Remuneration Committee.

Paul Holyoake
Appointed April 2019
Paul was co-founder of Oakton Limited, which grew into one of the largest and most successful Australian IT Consulting and Technology organisations. Paul drove the growth of the company through CEO and Executive Chairman roles, including listing the company on the ASX in 2000 and selling the company to NTT in 2014. Since leaving Oakton, Paul has been involved in the contemporary ICT community, both through membership of the Advisory Board of Melbourne Accelerator Program (University of Melbourne), and the Tech Start Up community in inner Melbourne. Paul also has philanthropic roles in the not-for-profit sector, including being a past Board member of the St Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research, and is a strong supporter of The Melbourne Indigenous Transition School (MITS). Paul is a member of the Cabrini Technology Group Committee and the Audit and Risk Management Committee.

Francesca Lee
Appointed May 2020
Francesca brings to Cabrini a senior executive career in legal, governance, compliance, audit and risk and finance roles with ASX listed companies. She has worked in a broad range of industries, including mining, investment banking, energy and waste. The roles she has held include Chief Legal, Risk and Compliance Officer and Company Secretary of Newcrest Mining Limited, General Counsel and Company Secretary of OZ Minerals Limited, and senior legal positions at BHP Billiton Limited and Rio Tinto Limited. She was also the General Manager Internal Audit and Risk for Rio Tinto Limited and a Vice President Structured Finance for Citibank Limited.
Francesca retired from Newcrest Mining in July 2020. She was a member of the Australian Government Takeovers Panel, Director of AMMA – Australian Resources and Energy Group and Board Member and Chair of the Audit Committee of the Victorian Government’s Metropolitan Waste Management Group. Francesca’s not for profit governance roles have been in religious and community drama organisations — including chairing the People and Remuneration committee and being a Board Member of the Archdiocese of Melbourne Catholic Development Fund.
Francesca holds a Master of Laws, Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and Bachelor of Commerce from Melbourne University, Graduate Diploma in Company Secretarial Practice, and is a graduate member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Francesca is Chair of the Mission, People and Remuneration Committee and a member of the Cabrini Technology Group Committee.

Professor Terry O’Brien
Appointed May 2024
Prof O’Brien is a renowned neurological clinician-scientist, translational researcher and University/Health Service leader. He is Chair of Medicine (Neurology) and Head, The Central Clinical School, Monash University and The Program Director, Alfred Brain, and Deputy Director of Research, Alfred Health. Terry is a specialist in neurology and clinical pharmacology, with particular expertise in epilepsy, traumatic brain injury and neurodegenerative diseases, and pre-clinical and clinical trials and imaging/biomarkers. Among other things, he leads a translational research team with the goal of developing improved treatments for people with epilepsy and related brain diseases. Terry is Chair of the Cabrini Research Committee.

Nicholas Pane KC
Appointed November 2021
A highly experienced commercial lawyer, practising predominantly in the building and construction space. As one of Australia’s leading Construction and Infrastructure Senior Counsel, Nicholas brings a wide range of experience to the Cabrini Board.
He signed the Victorian Bar roll in 1993, was admitted to practice as a barrister and solicitor in 1998 and was appointed King’s Counsel in November 2013. Nicholas is a member of the Major Construction Projects Committee and the Cabrini Patient Experience and Clinical Governance Committee.

Anthony Rice
Appointed November 2016
Anthony’s background is as a specialist real estate and healthcare corporate adviser with over 20 years’ experience in investment banking, most recently at Macquarie Group as a Managing Director where he advised clients on corporate strategy, debt and equity raising and mergers and acquisitions.
He describes his switch from arm’s-length adviser to participating in the governance of a mission-driven organisation as deeply fulfilling – both personally and professionally. Anthony is currently Chief Financial Officer of a large infrastructure group running 58 retirement living villages and 10 development projects. He holds a Master’s in Applied Finance from the University of Melbourne and is a Chartered Accountant. Anthony has also served on Cabrini’s Audit and Risk Management Committee since 2015 and Chairs the Cabrini Technology Group Committee.

Bob Santamaria
Appointed November 2020
Bob Santamaria was ANZ Group General Counsel for 12 years until September 2019. Leading a large team of lawyers, his work concentrated on two aspects: first, issues stemming from the GFC and secondly, dealings with regulatory problems in various parts of the world. He spent most of his last 18 months leading ANZ’s response to the Banking Royal Commission. Prior to joining ANZ, Bob was Partner from 1987 of Allens Arthur Robinson and also a member of the firm’s Executive Committee, being the Executive Partner of the Corporate department. Bob plans to concentrate on community work (primarily, the youth mental health, hospital and aged care areas) and coaching and mentoring. Bob is a member of the Major Construction Projects Committee and the Cabrini Research Committee. He also chairs the Capital Campaign Committee.
Invitees to the Board

Paul Vine
Invitee since December 2020
Paul joined Cabrini in December 2020 as General Counsel and Company Secretary and from April 2023 has been responsible for Cabrini’s legal, corporate affairs and company secretariat functions. He has over 30 years’ experience spanning legal and governance functions in industry and legal practices. Paul previously held senior executive in-house legal and governance roles at Austin Health, IOOF and Bell Potter, following an early career in legal practices in London and Melbourne and in-house at Telstra and AXA. Paul is also Cabrini’s Company Secretary, a Fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia and a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors