We currently have precautionary measures in place to protect our patients and staff. Read more

Facts and circumstances of collection

Cabrini Health Ltd (Cabrini) collects personal information about you when you attend our Emergency Department, Medical Imaging, Pathology, Allied Health, Mental Health and Pre-Admissions Clinic or are admitted. We collect your personal information such as your name, address, contact details, your general practitioner, medical history and other health information. Cabrini may also collect other information such as financial information, health fund coverage, and information on emergency contacts. Cabrini also collects CCTV footage in common areas for security.

Information is obtained from a range of sources including from you, your referring doctor or GP or family members.

Private doctors’ suites maintain their own separate records. These records do not belong to Cabrini.

Is collection of your personal information authorised by law?

The collection of your personal information is authorised by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and Australian Privacy Principles (APP), and the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) and the Health Privacy Principles.

Purpose of collection

Cabrini collects personal and health information for the purpose of providing you with health services and conducting associated administrative tasks. The collection is also to provide all individuals involved in your care with up-to-date information. This helps us to ensure that you receive the best possible care and treatment.

Consequences if your personal information isn’t collected

If we do not collect the required information, this may have an adverse effect on the care we are able to provide you and may mean that we cannot provide you with some or any health services.

At Cabrini, patients cannot elect to be anonymous or pseudonymous unless they pay their entire hospital’s expense up front. Anonymous or pseudonymous in this context means you are registered by any name and other demographic details you choose.

Cabrini’s routine disclosures of your personal information

  • While you are an inpatient, general information about your condition may be provided to your next of kin or near relative unless you request otherwise.
  • Health information may be sent to your GP or referring doctor.
  • Health information will be provided to My Health Record unless you request this not occur.
  • Cabrini may also provide information about your clinical care to another hospital or health provider if it is required to assist with your ongoing care.
  • Your personal information will also be sent to your health fund as allowed in the Private Health Insurance (Data Provision) Rules 2018 (Cth) where appropriate.
  • Cabrini may also provide information in circumstances when authorised under law to disclose personal information.

Legislation also requires that certain information about patients who have specific conditions and treatments must be reported to databases or registers maintained by the Department of Health or other health organisations. Patient information recorded on the databases and registers is kept strictly confidential. There may also be occasions where Cabrini is obliged by or authorised under, law to disclose patient information, such as presentation of your medical record to a court when subpoenaed in the case of legal action.

We may contact you before you are admitted to:

  • Check pre-admission details
  • To inform you of out-of-pocket expenses.

You may be contacted after you have gone home regarding:

  • Follow up from day procedure centre 12 – 24 hours post discharge
  • Follow up post delivery discharge.

Overseas transfer of personal information

Cabrini will not transfer health or other personal information about an individual across national borders unless the individual, guardian or a legally appointed representative has consented or the transfer is authorised or required by law.

Where permissible under the privacy laws we may disclose personal information to external service providers who may use, process and store that information overseas.

Protecting your privacy

Information about you is stored in a central (acute or rehabilitation) paper medical record, which is stored securely within the Health Information Services Department or at a secure offsite storage facility. We also keep information about you on our computer system, which is protected from misuse, loss, interference and unauthorised access. Information that is captured electronically by Cabrini staff is stored on-site in central Cabrini systems. These systems are available to clinical staff to manage your care. When patient data is accessed electronically, there is an audit trail of who has accessed the data and when access occurred. This audit trail occurs regardless of whether the device used is a mobile or a desktop device. If accessing via a mobile device, there are three standard security features implemented.

Cabrini maintains strict policies regarding who has the authority to access your information and all of our staff must abide by Cabrini’s policies on privacy and confidentiality. The Health Records Act 2001 (Victoria) and the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) govern the collection, use and disclosure, access to, and correction of, health information, as well as the security and retention of medical records in private hospitals in Victoria.

Cabrini is committed to upholding our obligations in regard to the Australian Privacy Principles.

The information we collect about you can only be destroyed after a specified time period in accordance with our legal obligations.

How can I access my information?

If you want more information about your care and treatment speak to your doctor or one of the nursing staff in your ward. If you would like a copy of your health information, you will need to either make a written application or complete the Request for Access to Information form and provide a copy of photo identification. There may be a charge for this service.

Select the link above to download a .pdf copy or contact the Health Information Services department on (03) 9508 1776 if you would like a form posted or emailed to you.


The Privacy Officer
Health Information Services
Cabrini Health
183 Wattletree Road
Malvern VIC 3144

If you are seeking access to records regarding your attendances at a doctor’s suite, please contact the doctor‘s rooms directly.
If you believe that any of the information that Cabrini holds about you is incorrect, inaccurate or misleading, please contact the Privacy Officer for further details regarding how to amend or correct your health information.

How much will it cost?

A fee is charged for the service of providing A4 black and white medical record photocopies in accordance with the Health Records Regulations 2002.

Cabrini may charge:

  • 20 cents per printed page (“hard copies”)
  • 14 cents per scanned page (“soft copies” / electronic documents)
  • $10 per USB
  • Costs in assessing and collecting the health information,  $40.80
  • Transportation costs if the relevant documents are stored offsite, $19.60

Please do not send any money with your application, an invoice will be sent to you once an assessment of the charges has been made.

How long will it take?

Once your application is received we may contact you to request additional documents to support your request, e.g. identification. You will receive an acknowledgement letter and invoice advising of the fees to be charged (if any). Access may be provided within seven days of the payment of the fee or 45 days from the date of the request, whichever is the latter.

Once payment is received arrangements can be made to collect the information or have the information forwarded to you.

How can I get copies of x-rays/scans?

These can be obtained directly from the Medical Imaging Department. You can phone them on (03) 9508 1444 to obtain a request form.

How can I receive copies of pathology results?

These can be obtained directly from the Pathology Department. You can contact them on (03) 9508 1333 to obtain a request form.

How do I access information that the Cabrini Foundation holds about me?

Please contact the Cabrini Foundation on (03) 9508 1382.

How do I request to not receive direct marketing?

If you do not wish to receive direct marketing from the Cabrini Foundation please contact the Foundation on (03) 9508 1382.

Further information
