Respiratory Centre information

Lung function tests are a commonly conducted group of procedures that measure the functionality of the lungs, revealing problems in the way a patient breathes. Assessments can help to determine and monitor the:

  • function and structure of lungs
  • cause of any shortness of breath
  • presence of lung disease (i.e. asthma, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and emphysema)
  • bronchial hyperresponsiveness

Lung function procedure

Patients should report for their appointment to the hospital’s main reception area at their appointment time. The reception area is located on the ground floor and is accessible via the main entrance in New Street. A Respiratory Centre staff member will collect you from the main foyer area. Appointments generally last 30 minutes.

  • General Inquiries

    (03) 9508 5845


    (03) 9508 5558

  • Operating Hours

    • Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm
    • Sleep studies run over night starting at 6pm – 6am
  • Referrals

    You will require a referral from your GP or a specialist to access our respiratory and sleep services.

    Your patient will require a referral to access our respiratory and sleep services.

  • Locations

    Cabrini Brighton


Sleep Centre information

The Cabrini Sleep Centre offers comprehensive overnight testing to observe and diagnose disorders during sleep as well as other possible causes of sleep disturbance, sleepiness or daytime fatigue. Common sleep disorders include snoring, sleep apnea, restless legs and narcolepsy.

What is a Sleep Study?

An overnight study involves the monitoring of sleep state, including:

  • brain wave activity
  • eye movements
  • muscle tone
  • heart rate respiration
  • oxygen and carbon dioxide levels
  • limb movement
  • audio and visual recordings

These parameters are recorded through the placement of sensors on various parts of the body.

At the conclusion of the study, the results are analysed by a sleep scientist to quantify and classify the night’s events, with a subsequent review by a sleep specialist and diagnosis for treatment and/or recommendations.

Sleep study procedure

You should report for your appointment at the Hospital’s main reception at 7.00 pm. The reception area is located on the ground floor and is accessible via the main entrance in New Street. A trained scientist will prepare you for the study.

The study concludes between 6.00-6.30 am the following morning. Private ensuites are located in each room for showering and breakfast is available from 6.30 am. Patients are discharged between 7.00-8.00 am.

What to bring

  • sleep attire
  • Toiletries
  • Medicare care/health insurance card/benefits card
  • Medication (in the original packet/container) and a list of prescribed medication
  • Reading material (a television is available in each room)
  • Alcohol and snacks (if generally consumed before bed)
  • Your own pillow and doona/blanket if desired
  • Your own APAP/CPAP machine and mask for those patients having a review study.

Sleep study results

For all results please follow up with your referring specialist.

Child sleep study information

The Cabrini Brighton Sleep Centre provides a service for the diagnosis of sleep disorders in children between the ages of four and eighteen years. Your child will be admitted to the Sleep Centre for an overnight stay. Sleep and respiratory patterns will be monitored by a range of sensors, none of which are invasive or painful to your child. A private room with beds for both you and your child, and separate ensuite facilities, are provided during your stay.

What to expect

Please arrive to your sleep study at 6.30 pm on the evening of the study. On arrival you will be shown your room and given a questionnaire and brief explanation of what will occur during the overnight study. A snack and refreshment will be provided, after which your child will be encouraged to change into their pyjamas and prepare for bed. The monitoring sensors will then be attached during a typical 30-60min timeframe. Your child will be encouraged to watch a DVD (provided by the Sleep Centre), a read a book or play with a toy during this time. Once the application of the monitoring sensors is complete your child will be asked to sleep in their usual manner.

Overnight toilet requirements can be easily met during the study. Monitoring sensors can be quickly disconnected by staff on request.

Studies are typically completed by 6am and breakfast is available for you and your child at 6.30 am.

How to prepare for the night

There are no specific instructions to prepare for the study. If possible, try and maintain your child’s normal daytime routine, and this includes daytime naps or rest period.

Your child’s main evening meal should be eaten before attending the Sleep Centre. We suggest you bring any usual sleep aids for your child including; special toys, books or music.

Accompanying your child

For children aged between three and fourteen the Sleep Centre requires that a parent or guardian must accompany and stay for the entire duration of the study. Children aged between 14 and 17 years may stay without a parent or guardian, although facilities for parent’s accommodation can be made available if so desired.

What to bring

  • Pyjamas (preferably button up and loose fitting)
  • Toiletries
  • Medications
  • Books/toys
  • Soft toys/sleep companion
  • Child’s own pillow or doona (if desired)

Admission and fees

Respiratory Centre

This is an outpatient service; all tests are bulk billed with the exception of Mannitol Challenge testing which incurs a $50 out of pocket charge.

Sleep Centre

If you have private health cover, contact your health fund to confirm that your admission to Cabrini is covered and whether any co-payments or excess charges may apply.

If you are uninsured or self-insured please contact the Sleep Centre on 9508 5845 for an estimate of the cost of the study.

Any costs including health fund cover related excesses or co-payments will need to be settled with the hospital upon admission.