Cabrini researchers recognised for outstanding research

Cabrini Research would like to thank everyone who presented and attended the virtual Cabrini Research Sessions in 2021. The wide variety and excellent quality of presentations kept everyone connected, and allowed networking to continue across a diversity of research disciplines during a very challenging time.
As part of the series, Cabrini Research recognises and awards a number of researchers for their commitment and passion for research and outstanding research outcomes. It is our pleasure to announce for 2021, Professor Stephen Hall as the recipient of the Doug Lording Research Award and Professor Peter Kistler as the winner of the Publication of the Year Award. Please join us in celebrating the achievements of these remarkable Cabrini researchers.
Professor Stephen Hall named winner of the Doug Lording Research Award
The Doug Lording Research Award is named in honour of the founder of Cabrini Research, Associate Professor Doug Lording AM. It is presented to Cabrini individuals for outstanding lifetime achievement in clinical, applied or basic research. Prof Hall is our esteemed recipient for 2021.
Prof Hall is the Medical Director for Emeritus Research, an independent clinical trial centre in Melbourne, which he founded in 2000, Professor of Medicine Monash University, and a rheumatologist at Cabrini Health.
Prof Hall has published widely on all aspects of rheumatic disease and maintains a strong interest in general medicine. He has led some 250 clinical trials and is fascinated by new advances in medicine and what they may offer those who suffer with various medical conditions.
He has been successful in launching multiple investigator initiated studies to try to fill in details of disease and treatment which were not addressed in randomised controlled trials. Patient care and safety remain his prime focus.
Professor Peter Kistler wins Publication of the Year Award
Prof Kistler has been awarded the Cabrini Research Publication of the Year award for his paper ‘Alcohol abstinence in drinkers with atrial fibrillation’ published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) in 2020.
Prof Kistler was principal investigator and senior author on the paper, the first randomised study to determine the impact of alcohol abstinence on atrial fibrillation (AF). Cabrini was one of the largest sites for patient recruitment and integral to the success of the investigator initiated non-funded multicentre randomised controlled trial. Prof Kistler was awarded the RT Hall Prize in 2020 (outstanding cardiac researcher from Cardiac Society Australasia) in part as recognition of this publication.
The study significantly strengthened the role of lifestyle interventions, which are now referred to as the fourth pillar in AF management. Population studies have long demonstrated an association between alcohol and AF but alcohol counselling was not routinely performed. As a result of this study, alcohol reduction is now included in the American Heart Association lifestyle guidelines in management of AF. The NEJM publication was the culmination of research exploring the relationship between alcohol and AF, which has attracted worldwide media attention including the front page of The Age and featured on Channel 7 and 10 National News.
Prof Kistler is a member of the newly formalised Cardiology Research group at Cabrini Research. A clinician cardiologist and electrophysiologist, he is an international leader in the treatment of heart rhythm disorders. His research profile includes Head of Electrophysiology at The Alfred and Head of Clinical Electrophysiology research at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, and Professor in the department of Medicine at the University of Melbourne and Monash University.