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Cabrini partners with 1st Group taking healthcare into the future


In response to an increase in demand for online services and timely access to healthcare, Cabrini Health and 1st Group have partnered to introduce 1st Group’s online specialist booking platform MyHealth1st.

The new function allows GPs and patients to book an appointment with a Cabrini specialist, all with just the click of a button.

Cabrini is the first Victorian Private hospital to introduce an online specialist booking function, making access to our comprehensive list of specialists even easier.

The booking system is accessible 24/7, allowing patients, carers and GPs to book a Cabrini specialists via our Find a Doctor directory, including securely uploading referral documentation.

MyHealth1st is a tried and trusted booking platform, used across a diverse group of specialties, providing health professionals with online booking capability across all of their digital platforms.

Cabrini Group Director Medical Services and Clinical Governance, Dr Fergus Kerr, said one of the main advantages was that patients, carers and GPs could make a booking around the clock, while also choosing a consulting location and appointment date and time convenient for them.

“In response to increasing public demand for digital services and timely access to care, having an online booking platform makes it easier for patients, their carers and GPs to book a specialist appointment,” Dr Kerr said.

“It’s ultimately allowing people convenient and fast access to our leading specialists.”

1st Group’s Co-founder, CEO and Managing Director Klaus Bartosch said partnering with Cabrini with our MyHealth1st market-leading digital platform for specialists was a “perfect fit”.

“Cabrini had a vision. They wanted to help advance a change that is happening more broadly across other healthcare sectors but hadn’t yet become mainstream amongst specialists,” Mr Bartosch said.

“They wanted to help make it easier for patients in their community and referring GP’s to access their specialist network by enabling referrals appointments to be booked online with their specialists. Cabrini really understood what was needed and how to collaborate with our experienced team to bring this amazing capabilities to their specialist network.”

This new MyHealth1st booking system has been thoroughly tested and will continue to be rolled out to all Cabrini specialists across our Malvern, Brighton and Hawthorn East campuses during the next six months.

Media enquiries
Anna Brain
M: 0436 928 801