Showing 80 - 100 of 144



Consulting Locations


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Dr Michelle Papandony

I am a rheumatologist at Cabrini Malvern, the Alfred Hospital, St Vincent’s Hospital and the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital. I see patients with a variety of autoimmune diseases…

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Cabrini Malvern

(03) 9509 9462

Dr Jason Galanos

I am an endocrinologist specialising in the care of adult patients with a variety of metabolic and hormonal disorders. I have a keen interest in all aspects of endocrinology including…

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Cabrini Brighton


(03) 9077 9717

A/Prof Miles Sparrow

I am a gastroenterologist with a special interest in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). After graduating from the University of Melbourne in 1995 I completed basic and advanced training in gastroenterology…

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(03) 9591 0466

Mr Justin O'Brien

I am an ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgeon. I am interested in all areas of ENT practice and welcome all patients. I also hold a position in the Paediatric…

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ENT Surgeon


(03) 9086 3945

Dr Peter Solin

I am a respiratory and sleep disorders physician covering all facets of sleep and respiratory medicine. My services include specialist assessment, laboratory sleep studies, home sleep studies, insomnia management, CPAP…

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Respiratory and Sleep Physician

Cabrini Malvern

Cabrini Brighton

(03) 9591 0066

A/Prof Marinis Pirpiris

I am an orthopaedic surgeon specialising in the arthroscopic treatment of conditions affecting the hip, knee, ankle and shoulder. I also perform joint replacements in patients with hip, knee and…

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Orthopaedic Surgeon

Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon

Glen Iris

(03) 9934 8800

Prof Mark Walterfang

I am a consultant psychiatrist and neuropsychiatrist. I see general adult psychiatric patients with common psychiatric conditions as well as neuropsychiatric disorders such as dementia, delirium, acquired brain injury and…

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(03) 9420 1453

Dr Lore Schierlitz

I am a qualified urogynaecologist practising at Cabrini Brighton and Cabrini Malvern. I hold a public appointment as Head of Urogynaecology at Mercy Hospital for Women, working in Heidelberg and…

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Cabrini Hawthorn East

East Brighton

(03) 9416 1553

A/Prof Ammar Majeed

I am a gastroenterologist with an interest in liver disease and endoscopy. I undertook advanced training in inflammatory bowel disease and liver disease at Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden, and worked…

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Cabrini Malvern


(03) 9591 0466

Dr Rob Coleman

I am a urologist providing high quality urological care to patients of all ages. I specialise as a paediatric urologist looking after all types of paediatric urological conditions, with special…

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Paediatric Urologist


Cabrini Brighton

(03) 8593 7380

Dr Helen Garrott

I am an internationally trained ophthalmologist with a subspecialty in eyelid, orbital, and lacrimal surgery. My expertise includes performing eyelid cancer surgery and complex reconstructions, as well as cosmetic eyelid…

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Bayside Eye Specialists 323 Nepean HWY Brighton East

(03) 9596 7440

Dr Libby Blackley

I am a medical oncologist specialising in the management of breast cancer with a particular focus on young women and the supportive care that is required around fertility, pregnancy and…

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Medical Oncologist

Cabrini Brighton

(03) 9530 5416

Dr Kim Proudlove

I’m a physician in rehabilitation medicine, providing specialist services and care to Cabrini patients since 2014. In particular, I have an interest in neurorehabilitation and managing patients after stroke, brain…

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Rehabilitation Physician

Cabrini Brighton

(03) 9508 8777

Dr Amanuel Tesfai

I am a respiratory, sleep and general medicine physician. I see patients with a wide range of general respiratory diseases including asthma, COPD, respiratory infections and lung cancer, as well…

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Respiratory and Sleep Physician

Cabrini Brighton


(03) 9570 5438

Dr Keith Noack

I am gastroenterologist with expertise in ERCP, Hepatitis, GI bleeding and pancreatic disease. However, I welcome and see a large number of patients with general gut and dietary problems such…

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(03) 9591 0466

Dr Michelle Loh

I am a rehabilitation physician with a keen interest in neurological conditions including stroke, spasticity management, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and acquired brain injury rehabilitation. I also offer consultations in…

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Rehabilitation Physician

St Kilda East

(03) 9038 1650

Dr John Waterston

I am a neurologist specialising in neuro-otology. I am happy to see patients with general neurological disorders as well as more specialised problems including dizziness, vertigo and balance disorders. Our…

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Cabrini Malvern

(03) 9500 0367

Dr Barry Slon

I am a specialist pain medicine physician with extensive experience in anaesthesia, acute and chronic pain medicine, interventional pain and palliative care. I am skilled at treating most clinical presentations…

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Chronic Pain Management

Cabrini Malvern

Glen Waverley

(03) 7500 7020

Mr Andrew Salipas

I am an Australian-trained Orthopaedic Surgeon with subspecialty expertise in Adult Hip and Knee Joint Replacement Surgery, Revision Joint Replacement, and Sports Knee Surgery. I graduated from The University of…

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Orthopaedic Surgeon

Cabrini Malvern

Cabrini Brighton

0466 698 290

Prof Maurice Eisenbruch

I am a psychiatrist with expertise in psychotherapies. I work with individuals, families and groups from infancy to old age in intensive and insight-oriented individual and group psychotherapy. I also…

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South Yarra

(03) 9820 3006

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